Since its commencement in 1968, Golden Shipping Lines (Pvt) Ltd. has steadily built up a reputation as the premium shipping services provider and is known for its expertise and knowledge of local conditions in the marine trade of Karachi Port and Port Qasim. At present, the following services are provided by Golden Shipping Lines (Pvt) Ltd.:-
Ship Agency
As shipping agents, the company has been providing cost effective and reliable service for a number of years. The company has been handling vessels ranging from conventional carriers to the latest containerized and RO/RO vessels besides tankers. Examples as under:-
We are proficient in offering personalized services on agency vessels with most economical cost and quickest possible turn around. Our team of experts have decades of experience in handling the following:-
Charterers, Brokers & Ship Operators
Pictures of the above can be viewed here.
Golden Shipping Lines (Pvt) Ltd. also provide chartering and brokerage services. With a vast network of associates spread around the globe, we are able to bring buyers and sellers closer from around the world. The company also acts as chartering brokers both for long and short term employment of vessels.